Rallying to Protect Admissions Standards at America’s Best Public High School
The activists seeking to eliminate TJ’s meritocratic admissions systems attribute this latter result to systemic racism.
A collection of 238 posts
The activists seeking to eliminate TJ’s meritocratic admissions systems attribute this latter result to systemic racism.
Some nonbinary people will say that they don’t like labels such as “gay” or “lesbian” because they are binary terms; attraction to a man or a woman, even in the context of being gay, is still considered attraction to a binary gender.
And it turns out that she was, because despite the best efforts of her critics, she hasn’t yet been truly cancelled.
Left unrestrained, they can get completely out of hand. The sudden conformity produced by an availability cascade can result in reflexive demands for urgent government action without any proper discussion or consideration of trade-offs, consequences, or even necessity.
Kendi's view of racism does not begin with people, but with inequity. Which means anti-racism should more truthfully be called anti-racial inequity.
The time has come for a serious conversation about police brutality, criminal justice reform, and how political polarization prevents progress.
By 2014, Homo sapiens had, by the reckoning of the World Wildlife Fund, destroyed an incredible 60 percent of the wild mammal, bird, reptile, and fish populations that were in existence as recently as 1970.
What’s different now is that the current strain of social-justice ideology presents itself as a totalizing creed—which means that it isn’t enough for CEOs to accede to the idea of social justice as a mere boundary check on the company’s profit-seeking activities.
But instead, progressives such as Singh are far more interested in polluting Twitter with lazy lies and protest applause lines that erase any distinction between policing methods.
If sexual attraction to older people is relatively uncommon, what about attraction to those who do not match one’s sexual orientation?
We retain the belief that, in supposedly pluralistic societies, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. We urge other scientists not to follow the American example, and to resist the campaign to racialize science.
However well intentioned, these programs will likely increase inequities rather than reduce them, and push the nation’s colleges still closer to the low level of its public schools.
The fierce onslaught she received has served as a wake-up call, even for those who have not been following the debate closely.
Concerns about pornography expressed by Christian and other religious and social conservatives are no doubt sincere.
The largely ineradicable character of the religious instinct means that it persists, even upon the apparently disenchanted landscapes of modern secular culture.