Memorial Daze
Notions of injury or exclusion are often based on shifting cultural sensitivities and political pressures, rather than on any permanent, universal measure of good and evil.
A collection of 238 posts
Notions of injury or exclusion are often based on shifting cultural sensitivities and political pressures, rather than on any permanent, universal measure of good and evil.
America is not fallen; it is simply given to periodic bouts of insanity. The patient is tiresome; the patient is ridiculous; but the patient is stable.
Art in public spaces will always be scrutinised for the propriety of its iconography, and it will remain under attack as long as its guardians are willing to pander to the narcissistic impulses of the activists.
A cancelled academic has produced a fine new book about the threat posed by progressive pieties.
Should Jewish students accept the mantle of a marginalised group or reject DEI ideology altogether?
It is time for leftists to forego ideology and embrace a people-centred politics.
The new attention economy will always privilege the lowest common denominator in performance art, as it does in everything else.
The movement to abolish child welfare is endangering children, but professionals are afraid to speak up.
The unintended consequences of the Sixties’ antiwar protests have become the farce of their 21st-century iteration.
Notes on the pro-Hamas Left and its antecedents.
The student activist discusses the risks that Iran, China, and Russia, and their Western sympathisers, pose to liberal democracies.
The antisemitism of campus leftism may be incidental. The barbarism is the point.
Building worldviews and political movements on falsehoods destroys common sense-making, impedes effective policy design, and erodes social trust and cohesion.
The modern feminist response to rape is failing women, and it is failing victims of rape most of all.
Activists of all stripes will continue to preach that the end of the world is nigh, but that doesn’t mean that we should take them seriously.