An Australian Perspective on Abortion
The closest example of a counterfactual to Roe v. Wade is Australia, where there is a federal system with no unifying law or ruling concerning abortion.
A collection of 9 posts
The closest example of a counterfactual to Roe v. Wade is Australia, where there is a federal system with no unifying law or ruling concerning abortion.
Now is the time for a pro-life approach to be mobilized in defense of all human life, not just zygotes, blastocysts, embryos, and fetuses.
Safe abortion is the modern cure for the ancient heartbreaks of neonaticide and abandonment.
The abortion novels that proliferated in the late 1960s were filled with characters who are forced by carelessness and circumstance to make the most agonizing of personal choices.
Claiming that biological terms are authoritative and unambiguous is either a misunderstanding of biology or a failure to appreciate the difficulties inherent in applying linguistic categories to natural phenomena.
The abortion debate is primarily concerned with the bodily autonomy of the mother and/or of the fetus. The rights and duties of the father are seldom discussed.
One of the reasons abortion bans on the basis of prenatal diagnoses may have received relatively little attention is because they leave the pro-choice Left in an uncomfortable ethical position.
Arbitrary doesn’t mean random and it doesn’t mean cruel.
The debate over the morality and legality of abortion is one of the most divisive and enduring issues in American public life.