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Podcast #230: The Fine Line Between Denouncing ‘Settler Colonialism’ and Supporting Terrorism

Michael Powell explains how fashionable academic doctrines are being weaponized to delegitimize the existence of Israel, the United States, and other Western societies.

· 2 min read
Podcast #230: The Fine Line Between Denouncing ‘Settler Colonialism’ and Supporting Terrorism

Atlantic magazine writer Michael Powell talks to Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay about his latest article—The Curious Rise of Settler Colonialism and Turtle Island—in which he explains how activists are weaponizing fashionable academic doctrines to delegitimize the existence of Israel, the United States, and other Western societies.

The Curious Rise of ‘Settler Colonialism’ and ‘Turtle Island’
The problem with shoehorning a Middle Eastern war—or American history—into a trendy academic theory

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To read a transcript of this podcast, please click the link below.

When Denouncing ‘Settler Colonialism’ Blurs into Hamas Apologism: A Conversation with Michael Powell
The Atlantic magazine writer speaks with Quillette’s Jonathan Kay about the use of fashionable academic jargon to convey hateful propaganda.