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Quillette’s Most Read—2022

Here are our most popular articles of 2022.

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Quillette’s Most Read—2022
Quillette’s Top 10 of 2022

Welcome to Quillette’s most popular articles of the year measured by number of pageviews from January 1 – December 27, 2022.

It’s a diverse mix, from cancel culture and nuclear energy to social-justice memes and the female orgasm. Congratulations to the authors and our team of editors for producing such high-quality journalism.

Why Did Harvard University Go After One of Its Best Black Professors?
Free Thought Lives
I’m Being Investigated by the British Columbia College of Nurses Because I Believe Biological Sex Is Real
Free Thought Lives
Why I Left Academia (Since You’re Wondering)
I didn’t have a choice. Thousands of people are driven out of the profession each year.
The Fall of ‘Nature’
A once-respected journal has announced that it will be subordinating science to ideology.
Walkout at Milton Academy
When high-school students can’t tolerate hearing the name of a book title, we know there’s a problem in education.
The Unexpected Future
We need to consider ways to reverse or at least slow rapid depopulation
Germany’s Energy Catastrophe
If Russia permanently cuts off natural gas exports to Germany, it will likely send the country, the world’s fourth-largest economy, into a severe recession.
I Got Thrown Off Etsy and PayPal for Expressing My Belief in Biological Reality
Apparently, selling mugs and shirts that glorify violence against ‘TERFs’ is just fine. But ‘I 💜 J.K. Rowling‘? That‘s hate speech.
Naturally Selective: Female Orgasm and Female Sexual Selection
It seems that Darwin was right when he said “The power to charm females has been more important than the power to conquer other males in battle.”
Confessions of a Social-Justice Meme Maker
I made pretty pictures that helped keep people enraged and mobilized. Then I asked myself: ‘Why am I doing this?’

Zoe Booth

Community Engagement Manager and host of the Quillette Cetera podcast.