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quillette weekly

Quillette Weekly

False privilege, digital junk food, greenflation, and the untold story of a Wisconsin prison soul band.

· 5 min read
Quillette Weekly
Quillette Weekly, Sunday, July 31st, 2022

Dear Quilletter,

Let me draw your attention to one of the most fascinating articles we’ve ever published: Max Wilson’s investigation into “Upheaval” a Wisconsin prison band who recorded Paradise Lost, one of the most sought after 45 RPM vinyl records ever made. Max’s account is the first time this band’s story has been told, and we are thrilled to be able to bring it to you. Please forward onto your friends who have an interest in soul, funk, and vintage obscurities.

Other must reads this week include Gurwinder Bhogal on the deranging effects of social media—on both consumers and producers of content—and Niamh Jiménez on the need to reject “false privilege.”

Joel Kotkin and Hügo Krüger also provide a thorough exposition of the gap between our green energy aspirations and the reality on the ground, with all its inflationary and geopolitical impediments.

And you will find this week that we have included a “from the archives” sub-section. The first archived article you will find is a January 2020 whistleblower report from a former clinician at the Tavistock Centre, the NHS gender clinic in North London that has just been ordered to close down.

The second article is from Ryan Holiday, who cited Ray Bradbury’s quip that “there is more than one way to burn a book,” in reference to the use of sensitivity readers in the publishing industry.

Both of these stories are as relevant today as when they were first published. I hope you enjoy revisiting them. Thanks again for tuning in. Any feedback you may have you can send through to

Founding Editor

Art + Culture

Lost Soul Behind Bars
The untold story of Upheaval, a prison band that recorded one of the most sought-after soul singles of the 1970s.
Against False Privilege
One of the biggest blunders of modern activism is the promotion of guilt and the demand for false privilege.
Stop Feeding Your Brain Junk Food
A simple way to discourage clickbait influencers from producing low-quality content is for the rest of us to stop consuming it.


Green Dreams, Inflationary Realities
We must find ways to combat climate change without incurring devastating inflation, greater class division, the immiseration of the middle class, and the destitution of the poor.
From Football to Fiasco
Herschel Walker is discovering that moving from professional football to politics isn’t as easy as it looks.


Guilty and Insane
Dissociative Identity Disorder and the riddle of human responsibility.


Should We Consider Aging a Disease?
Rethinking human “enhancement” in an era of sick-care.
The New Prohibition
The neuroscientific model of addiction is at odds with our freedom to experience the sensual life.


‎27 Rouge: A Quillette Podcast on Apple Podcasts
‎Arts · 2022

From the Archives

Why I Resigned from Tavistock: Trans-Identified Children Need Therapy, Not Just ‘Affirmation’ and Drugs
Over the past five years, there has been a 400 percent rise in referrals to the Tavistock Centre in north London, the only National Health Service (NHS) clinic in Britain that treats children with gender-identity developmental issues. During this period, there also has been an abrupt shift in the co…
The Problem with Sensitivity Readers
The idea of a sensitivity reader, the newest profession birthed in our politically correct times, instinctively does not sit well with writers. Because writing is not about protecting people’s feelings—it’s about provoking them. And nobody pursues a career in the arts because they like being told wh…

From Around the Web

Yes, Social Media Really Is Undermining Democracy
Despite what Meta has to say.
Intellectual snobbery is hobbling support for Ukraine
Commentators such as Jordan Peterson and Jürgen Habermas are ignoring the truth about Russia’s war.
‎Modern Wisdom: #498 - Roy Baumeister - The Mystery Of Female Sex Drive on Apple Podcasts
‎Show Modern Wisdom, Ep #498 - Roy Baumeister - The Mystery Of Female Sex Drive - 10 July 2022

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Claire Lehmann

Claire Lehmann is the founder of Quillette and a regular contributor to The Australian. Follow her on Instagram @clairelehmann