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quillette weekly

Quillette Weekly

Germany’s energy catastrophe, Shinzo Abe and the CCP, the point of tenure + much more

· 5 min read
Quillette Weekly
Quillette Weekly, Saturday, July 16th, 2022

Dear Quilletter,

I hope you’ve had a great week. Some news from Quillette HQ is that we’ve launched our online shop. So far we’re just stocking our five-year-anniversary t-shirt and a limited edition of Panics and Persecutions, but we hope to have more stock in the future. If you've got any suggestions of Quillette merchandise you’d like to see, let me know by replying to this email.

We are shipping internationally, but there may be some teething issues with our first few orders, so please be patient and as always, send me an email at if you have any questions or concerns.

In terms of reading material, this week we’ve got you covered. A personal favourite of mine is by Aussie (technically Kiwi, but we want to claim her) professor Holly Lawford-Smith. Her article How Automatic Gender ‘Affirmation’ Hurts Girls and Women provides a rational argument against gender self-identification, which is becoming increasingly prevalent.  

Claire’s favourite this week is What is the Point of Tenure?—A Roundtable, a thought-provoking collection of essays led by Bo Winegard, on the function of tenure in an age when diversity, equity, and inclusion have become paramount.

Also don’t miss Aaron Sarin on the courage of Shinzo Abe, and Lea Booth’s debut for Quillette in his discussion of Germany’s unfolding energy catastrophe.

Until next week.
Zoe Booth
Community Engagement


The Man Who Stood Up to the CCP
Thanks to Shinzo Abe, Xi Jinping now has a clear view of the future.
If Europe Wants Peace, It Must Prepare for More War
Deterrence needs to be strong enough that it stands on its own feet with or without out American support.
America Must Not Abandon Europe
The United States retains the capacity to defend the liberal order on both sides of Eurasia.


California’s Energy War on the Poor
California continues to implement policies on energy, housing, and transportation that are anti-poor and anti-working class.
Germany’s Energy Catastrophe
If Russia permanently cuts off natural gas exports to Germany, it will likely send the country, the world’s fourth-largest economy, into a severe recession.

Higher Education

What Is the Point of Tenure?—A Roundtable
Tenure creates a dual world where some professors enjoy more freedom than others.
The ACT Discriminates
...but not in the way you might expect.

Gender Ideology

How Automatic Gender ‘Affirmation’ Hurts Girls and Women
We’ve lost sight of a basic feminist insight: To be gender ‘non-conforming‘ isn’t unusual. It’s perfectly normal.

Philosophy + Art

The Classically Greek Roots of Civilizational Self-Doubt
The Greeks were the first of all peoples to look at themselves in the mirror.
Céline, Literary Antichrist
If we demand that our artists be angels, we will not have any art left to appreciate.
The Subversive Conservatism of Rocky Balboa
Rocky’s vision of a good life was humble, traditional, and local.

From Around the Web

In Sri Lanka, Organic Farming Went Catastrophically Wrong
A nationwide experiment is abandoned after producing only misery.
Our Problems Aren’t Procedural | City Journal
Attributing responsibility for political discord to social media ignores the events driving dissatisfaction with contemporary American society.
Opinion | A Berkeley professor’s Senate testimony didn’t go how the left thinks it did
Progressives pay a price for dominating elite spaces so thoroughly that their thinking doesn’t get the benefit of being challenged.
The War Has Happened - Liberties
It is a dreary world, gentlemen. GOGOL The most consequential event of our time, I pray, will be the heroism of the Ukrainians. Here are men and women fighting and dying for liberal democracy. It was beginning to seem as if such a thing were no longer possible. Worse, no longer desirable. Here in th…