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Weekly Roundup

· 4 min read
Weekly Roundup, 4 June, 2022
Weekly Roundup, Sunday June 5, 2022

Dear Quilletter,

On Friday night we celebrated Quillette at our social event in Sydney. It's safe to say it was an absolute blast, and it brought us immense pleasure to bring together such great people. For those of you in Europe and the US, don't get jealouswe have other international social events in the pipeline.

This week we published Aaron Sarin's must-read article The Road to Genocide, which recounts the barbaric treatment of Uyghurs by the Chinese Communist Party, and explores the implications of these human rights abuses in foreign affairs.

While we regularly publish articles that highlight the benefits of nuclear energy, we mixed it up this week by sharing William Beaver's article, The Problem with Nuclear Energy.

And don't miss John Lloyd's latest on the Ukraine conflict, just published yesterday.

Have a great weekend.

Zoe Booth
Community Engagement

World Affairs

Zelensky’s Terrible Dilemma—and Ours
Capitulation or Bloody Resistance?
The Road to Genocide
The Uyghurs have the potential to threaten China’s national unity, which is the real reason we are seeing the largest incarceration of an ethnic or religious minority since the Holocaust.

Culture & Politics

Diversity and Its Discontents
The public conversation about demographic change is hypocritical and destructive.
The Case Against Hate-Speech Laws: a Canadian Perspective
Free Thought Lives
Gender Ideologues Have Co-opted the Campaign Against Conversion Therapy
I spent years campaigning for a law that would protect gay youth from the ‘corrective’ abuse that I’d once endured. Then the trans-rights lobby got involved.


Has Olivia Manning’s ‘Fortunes of War’ Finally Found Its Moment?
The Ukrainian war has made Manning’s writing more relevant now than at any time since it was written.
The Wobblies’ Return
A lovingly restored 1979 film excavates the lost history of American radicalism.
Washington’s Hidden History
Kirchick’s book is a reminder of a shameful past, but its very existence is also evidence of the progress that the West’s democracies have made in the years since.


What Are College Students Paying For?
After paring back the useless majors, ideologies, and gimmicks, the true purpose of college becomes clear.


The Problem with Nuclear Power
In the US it’s hard to imagine nuclear power playing anything more than a minimal role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which makes projected goals for 2030 and beyond difficult to achieve.


‎27 Rouge: A Quillette Podcast: The Impressionist-Method, Madness, and Hilarity with Ami Kozak on Apple Podcasts
‎Show 27 Rouge: A Quillette Podcast, Ep The Impressionist-Method, Madness, and Hilarity with Ami Kozak - Jun 2, 2022

From Around the Web

Nick Cave - The Red Hand Files - Issue #190 - Following the last few years I’m feeling empty and more cynical than ever. I’m losing faith in other people, and I’m scared to pass these feelings to my little son. Do you still believe in Us (human beings)?
Dear Valerio, You are right to be worried about your growing feelings of cynicism and you need to take action to protect yourself and those...
Bruno Maçães’s Diary: Kharkiv is shelled, streets are renamed, and soldiers on a break head for the cafés
Since Russian troops retreated from the city, residents have been trying to return to normal life.

Thank you for coming!

Some photos from the Quillette Social in Sydney, June 3 2022

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Zoe Booth

Community Engagement Manager and host of the Quillette Cetera podcast.