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Weekly Roundup

· 7 min read
Weekly Roundup
Weekly Roundup, March 26th, 2022

Dear Reader,

We have a tremendous depth and breadth of articles for you to peruse this week. Of course, Ukraine dominates our attention, as it does most of the world. Paying subscribers can access the Quillette editorial on the invasion, Shmuel Bar provides extensive analysis of geopolitical strategy, Alexey Muraviev looks at tactical and operational issues on the ground, and Robert Ginzburg looks at the alarming rhetoric delivered by Putin to Russians at home.

Other essays which are of remarkable quality this week include AWOL Black Fathers, an astonishing memoir written by father and grandfather, John Washington, who grew up in the Jim Crow South. Putin's Russia vs Pushkin's Russia is a touching tribute to Russian literature by professor of Russian literature, Gary Saul Morson. And finally, in Anatomy of a Murder, literary scholar Jonathan Gottschall responds to a malicious review of his new book published recently in the New York Times.

Finally, don't miss our podcasts this week—and yes, that's right we have two—not just one. Jon Kay talks to the always engaging Sam Harris about Islam, Joe Rogan, vaccines, meditation, Ricky Gervais and the myth of free will.

And Scott Newman, Quillette's energetic associate editor has launched his own podcast titled 27 Rouge, with the first episode featuring Rolling Stone editor Matt Taibbi. I know you will enjoy it—have a listen.

Thanks again for all of your continuing support.

Until next week,


Ukraine’s Suffering Shows Culture Warriors What a Real War Looks Like: a Quillette Editorial
Free Thought Lives
Deterrence After Ukraine—A Critical Analysis
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How Many Wars Is Russia Fighting in Ukraine?
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AWOL Black Fathers
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A Suicide Foretold: How Social Justice Rhetoric is Turning People off Human Rights
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Putin’s Russia vs. Pushkin’s Russia
When Paolo Nori’s series of lectures on Dostoevsky at the University of Milano-Bicocca was canceled “to avoid any controversy … during a time of strong tensions” related to the Ukraine invasion, he replied: “I realize what is happening in Ukraine is horrible, and I feel like crying just thinking abo…
Anatomy of a Murder
On New Year’s Eve 2021 news of my killing began to circulate on Twitter. holy shit this is a murder — Julia Carrie Wong (@juliacarriew) January 1, 2022 I scrolled through scores of posts before I could stop myself, pausing to read replies and retweets.
Heading Into the Atom Age—Pat Frank’s Perpetually Relevant Novels
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The Western Reinvented. Again.
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Free Speech

Stephen Kershnar and the Importance of Unaskable Questions
Unpopular, unorthodox and extreme opinions no less than any others need their spokesmen, in order that our chances of discovering truths and making wise decisions be increased. ~Joel Feinberg In January of this year, SUNY Fredonia ethicist Stephen Kershnar appeared on an episode of our philosop…
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While calls to censor hate speech and violent extremist content on social media platforms are common, there’s little evidence that online incitement leads to real-world radicalization. Ironically, such calls may actually galvanize extremists, who interpret hostile media coverage, commentary, and cen…


On DarkHorse, Ivermectin, and Vaccine Hesitancy
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Quillette Podcast #184: Sam Harris on Islam, Joe Rogan, Vaccines, Meditation, Ricky Gervais, and the Myth of Free Will
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay asks neuroscientist, philosopher, best-selling author, and celebrity podcaster Sam Harris about the key to living a fulfilling and satisfying life (and whether it’s okay to tell your children they’re bad at sports).

27 Rouge is a podcast about nothing in particular, a sort of renaissance man’s conversation guide named in tribute to the 27 Club. Each week, Associate Editor Scott Newman sits down with interesting people to discuss everything from cocktail napkin anecdotes to the state of world affairs, cultural issues, books, movies, science, fashion, and everything in between. His first guess is Rolling Stone editor and bestselling author Matt Taibbi.

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Claire Lehmann

Claire Lehmann is the founder of Quillette and a regular contributor to The Australian. Follow her on Instagram @clairelehmann